Wednesday, April 30

KL? YES!!!!!!!! hahaha... :)

Dear KL,

I'll be seeing you soon.. Actually I'm dreaming about you already. Thanks to my Darling Friend (way to go, Azack!!) for going thru all the trouble to make my virgin trip to visit you a memorable one.. hahaha.. InsyaAllah it'll be.. Thank You Mum & Dad for trusting* me enough to let me go on my own!! :) Sigh.. Can't wait... (Sarling, Sita Swill Smiss Syou Stoo! see see...)

Yours Truly,
The Virgin Traveller :)

Monday, April 28

And So....

Whatever happened to me? Nothing much really.. I'd oral testing today. Ever tried imagining what its like testing 60 odd kids ranging from 6+ to 11+, their spokenmalay? Let me tell you something, it's horrible!!! Not only was the weather not cooperating, the kids usage of "nahu"(which is grammar for those non-malay speaking ppl out there) is terrible, their malay vocab is interchangeable with words from the Oxford Dictionary(gives a whole new meaning to being a bilingual!!!) BUT, i have to help these kids, how do one propose doing that? By being utterly LENIENT!! Can you guess how many of these BI-LING-UAL kids did well today? Well almost 3/4.. oh well... And Someone came in the midst of it all (i was in the middle of testing a P5 boy)
This was how the convesation went:
Person A: Redha did you teach your kids the 3-parts to oral?
Redha: (pauses and signals to poor kid in front to stop) Errr... Yes, i did. What's the matter? Is it really important?
Person A: Weeellllll.... your kids didn't know the difference between the 3.
Redha: Oh! (pauses to think.... should it matter?)
Person A: But, its alright... Only 2 of them did that.. they couldn't answer my question.
Let me stop right here and point out that it doesn't matter if the kids don't know the difference between the 3 sections, what matters is for the teacher to make them understand the Supposed Qn, ANd PROMPT!
Oh Well...